



Which LeBron is the兒童滴雞精推薦 best LeBron?


[–]Pelicanserldn123 1322 指標 9小時前

2013 LeBron.

Individually Heat LeBron overall, super efficient 2 way terror.



[–][LAL] Kobe BryantYourFavGuy 449 指標 8小時前

Yeah. At the time I was rooting against him but god damn was he a monster on the heat. Loved to watch em. Man was doing everything. Shooting, nasty dunks, attacking rim efficiently, nasty passes,nasty blocks, post game was on point.


[–]ClippersThevirginhairy 131 指標 7小時前

Yeah that Lebron is probably the most well rounded player in history, elite passing, could guard 1-4 well and 5's well enough if the situation required it, incredibly efficient, post game, could shoot the three and was still probably the most athletic player in the league. Bigger and stronger than in Cleveland though not quite as explosive but still more than fast enough and matured and smarter, the only thing I can think of that Miami Lebron didn't have were handles


[–][MIA] Hassan Whitesideheatup631 108 指標 7小時前

There was no SF in the league in 2013 that had better handles than LeBron though. His ability to handle the ball at his size is transcendent.


[–]NBAzxc123zxc123 [+1] 475 指標 8小時前*

2016 Cavs Lebron was great as a fully matured player, but physically Heat Lebron was superior.

Strongest Lebron of all. Angry Lebron where all his shots are like his FUCK YOU 3's, mentality was set to kill, and wouldn't back down to anything. With a total disregard for leprechaun life.


詹姆斯在熱火時期是他最強壯的時候。帶著怒氣打球的勒佈朗所有的投籃都像是跟對手說FUCK YOU,奔著摧毀對手去的,不會退縮。對小矮個後衛更是不留任何情面。

[–]Celticsthebostinian 53 指標 6小時前

I didn't need to see Nightmare LeBron again. That cdth is already burned into my brain.

You know how a lion looks when it's just kinda rumbling a low growl but is the baddest, most dangerous thing around and is about to go full king of the jungle? That's what LeBron made me think of there.



[–]Spursomgscottlikewoah 34 指標 8小時前

Fuck that guy.


[–]Thunderhyperion064 40 指標 7小時前

I personally dislike 2012 LeBron more than 2013 LeBron

滴雞精價格 雷霆球迷:我推薦滴雞精個人更討厭2012年的勒佈朗。

[–][NJN] Nenad KrsticTheLetter_Eight 785 指標 9小時前

I mean I might just take Miami Lebron cause he was knocking down jumpers pretty consistently which is really the only flaw in his game.


[–][CLE] Larry HughesGoSuckYouMudda 382 指標 8小時前

Even shot 40% from 3 that one year


[–]LakersTom_92 157 指標 7小時前

On a career low 3p fg attempts per game.


[–]NetsBigbadbuck [+1] 105 指標 7小時前

This second stint cleveland lebron has actually been the best playoff performer tho. His last 3 playoff runs have been incredible and in line or better than his miami runs.


[–]NetsBigbadbuck [+1] 54 指標 6小時前

his last two finals are arguably better than any of his miami finals


[–]Spursc0nna_ 145 指標 5小時前

his last two finals are arguably better than any finals performances ever

Fixed that for you my guy


[–]Lakersonredditatworkagain 414 指標 8小時前

The one that took over Gotham



[–]Vancouver GrizzliesKilluminated 219 指標 7小時前

This and that dwade alley oop picture sum up the Heatles era pretty nicely


[–][MIA] Dion WaitersAryan_AP 299 指標 9小時前

Heat LeBron with a mindset of Post-Heat Bron would be a beast


[–]CelticsNifera_ 46 指標 8小時前*

Start to finish I think 2013 was his best year. Strictly playoffs I think 2012 was his best. And I would say 2009 or 2010 was his best regular-season. 2016 of course was his best finals. Miami Heat LeBron was the perfect combination of athletic LeBron meeting high basketball IQ LeBron though.


[–]CelticsColeNBA11 270 指標 9小時前

2009 LeBron was the most athletic, 2012 LeBron was the most skilled, 2017 LeBron was the smartest


[–]Knicksphiljacksonishitler 289 指標 9小時前

tbh 2017 LeBron makes way more dumb turnovers and takes way more bad contested threes that he can't consistently convert than Miami LeBron. You generally don't set your career high for TOV% at the peak of your "smartness".

LeBron suddenly being smarter out of nowhere is just the latest narrative to push, for whatever reason.


[–]Pelicanserldn123 125 指標 9小時前

It's people conflating more playmaking/running the offense surrounded by shooters with BBIQ and the fact that he's just older and more of a leader I guess, pretty lazy narrative but yeah it's picked up a lot of steam.

Don't really get it either, 2013 LeBron was smarter because he made the best basketball play a lot more often IMO, it just so happened that it was to blow by everyone and dunk a lot of the time, might not look "smart" but the process to get there was.






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